2017 AA submissions to Government and other agencies

Productivity Commission Low-Emissions Economy Issues Paper

The Government asked the Productivity Commission to identify how New Zealand can maximise the opportunities and minimise the costs and risks of transitioning to a lower net-emissions economy as part of the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 

The AA’s submission provided Member views on EVs, including awareness and accelerating uptake within New Zealand. The submission also focused on further opportunities and barriers to reducing emissions in transport across New Zealand. This included congestion easing, fuel efficiencies, Intelligent Transport Systems, smart parking technology, network optimisation, congestion charging, trip substitution, flexible working arrangements and park and ride. 

Download the Productivity Commission Low-Emission Economy submission


Land Transport (Vehicle User Safety) Amendment Bill

This Bill proposes to make it an offence for people to solicit to wash car windows (such as at intersections), if it is unsafe, intimidating, or causes a nuisance or obstruction. The AA’s submission supported this Bill and agreed with the criteria for a ban. In addition, we said there is no need or market demand for such services as cars have in-built windscreen washers, or motorists can use the facilities at service stations for free.

Download the Land Transport (Vehicle User Safety) Amendment Bill


Draft Government Policy Statement 2018

The GPS guides the development of the land transport system by setting the Government’s priorities for the allocation of the National Land Transport Fund, which is predominantly funded by motorists from petrol taxes and diesel Road User Charges. Consistent with our feedback on previous GPSs, the AA’s submission supported transport investment being targeted towards initiatives that support economic growth and productivity, improve safety and deliver value for money. We also supported the emphasis the Government is signaling it intends to give to transport investments that support housing development in high growth urban areas, tourism, resilience and regional economic development.

Download the Draft GPS 2018 submission


Energy Innovation (EV and Other Matters) Amendment Bill

Amongst a broad range of proposals, this omnibus Bill proposes to enable road controlling authorities (RCAs) to pass bylaws to permit electric vehicles (EVs) to use bus lanes and transit lanes, as a means to encourage their uptake. The AA supported this amendment as such exemptions have proven successful overseas. However, we noted that such exemptions may need to be temporary until EV usage on transit lanes reaches capacity, and there needed to be clear criteria to identify suitable lanes such as those that have low bus movements or limited bus stops. In addition, the AA submission stressed the importance of RCAs being required to use automatic number plate recognition cameras for transit lane enforcement – whereas current transit lane enforcement is manual which is unreliable.

Download the Energy Innovation Amendment Bill submission


Children, Young Persons and Their Families (Oranga Tamariki) Legislation Bill

This Bill proposes to increase the youth justice age to 17 and, for young people, to manage minor traffic offences through the more flexible and effective Youth Courts rather than the adult justice system. The AA strongly supported these moves; these are supported by research on Youth Traffic Offences by RIDNZ for the AA Research Foundation. This research also recommends reviewing whether fines are appropriate for youth 15-19 for administrative traffic offences (fines and demerits only). The AA submission strongly recommended the Bill specifically provide for training and resourcing caregivers to guide a young person through the driver licence process. Lack of a driver licence is a critical factor for youth entering the justice pipeline and a barrier to education and employment.

Download the submission

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