Improving public transport

'What can be done to make public transport in Auckland more effective?'

The AA asked the leading candidates to become Auckland's next mayor their views:

Craig Lord  Craig Lord

With great difficulty, given Auckland’s progressive layout growth over 150 years. Every suburb is different and it needs proper feedback from resident’s as to what will and will not work in their region – they know best. The ‘Have Your Say’ system is predetermined and not fit for this purpose. Trains move more people than buses so extending rail to Huapai is a must. In addition, a full Bus network similar to the North Shore link is needed on the Western and Southern Motorways, however due to the landscape this may never eventuate. Smaller buses should be used in the outer regions and suburbs. There is existing rail in Auckland and it needs to be properly utilised.

Efeso Collins hs  Efeso Collins

Public transport has to be safe, clean, frequent and reliable for more people to use it and I remain confident that if we can make PT an attractive proposition and remove barriers such as costs more people will use it over private cars. And since the Government introduced half price fares patronage has increased.

But to make PT more effective, we need to get smarter and more efficient and that means using the data that Auckland Transport has at its disposal to understand where we need to increase the frequency of services, while being strategic in how we serve routes that tend to be less patronised.

I will also investigate the introduction of more cross-town services region-wide as well as support for rapid transit services through to Orewa and Kumeu.

Wayne Brown hs  Wayne Brown

Public Transport will be more effective following a complete change of AT board to include representatives from bus industry, passenger user groups, roading engineering and IT industry to brain up the AT signal system to speed buses thru lights and better manage bus stock in central city.

More views from the candidates on:

Their position on key projects

Their personal transport choices

Reducing emissions

Reducing congestion

Cycle lanes

Removing car parks

The next harbour crossing