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Do I need special tyres for a boat trailer. I have just sold my boat and the new owner had trouble whilst towing and was told that the trailer had the wrong tyres and had to replace them with trailer tires. It has just had a WOF from Vinz and this was never mentioned as a criteria. Can you help me please


There are no specific rules in regards to a ply rating for any trailer tyre at Warrant of Fitness time. It becomes the owners responsibility to have tyres fitted which are fit for purpose.

The tyres fitted to the trailer under your ownership could have been fine however, under a different owner loads and travel time/distances can change making the tyres inappropriate.

A commercially rated tyre (8 ply for example) is always recommended when pulling heavy loads over long distances. This applies to boat trailers, caravans and motorhomes. They are designed to handle a lot more sideways movement and heat build up which is a common strain on trailer/motorhome tyres.

Inflation pressures can also be set higher with these tyres. Reducing side wall flexing also ensures a much safer and less stressful towing experience.


Thanks for that info, would it then be my responsibiliy to pay for new tyres as the new owner had to tow it a long way to home and had to replace the tyres on the way?


No, it’s not your legal responsibility to replace the tyres however, you may feel because the boat was sold in good faith that a contribution towards the costs could be made.

Entirely your call.

If you were beaten-up on the initial asking price you may feel a little less compassionate towards helping out the new owner.