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I am looking to purchase a used car from a dealer and the cam belt has not been changed.

The mileage is 138,000km's. Can you tell me if the dealer is liable to change if before I purchase the car?


No, the dealer is not obliged to change the cambelt but you could make it a condition of sale or negotiate a reduction in the asking price if they do not want to do the job themselves.

The grey area is if the belt was not replaced and it broke a short time after ownership. Is it covered under the Dealer warranty (Consumer Guarantees Act) which states a car must be ‘fit for purpose’?

A cam belt is a fair wear and tear item whereas the CGA covers you for an unexpected mechanical failure so as I say it could become a very grey area.

At the end of the day the Dealer should be keen to compromise somehow if they want to make a sale.

If they won’t budge then be prepared to walk away.