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Can you comment on any overheating problems with 1996 - 97 Toyota Diesel Surf's with 3.0litre diesel engines with no intercooler.

Is there a recognised problem with the head gaskets on these vehicles?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 19 August 2009


Toyota Surf's of this age are known to suffer from head gasket or cracked cylinder head issues however, it normally relates to a overheating problem.

In other words, if the engine has an overheating issue then the head gasket or cylinder head itself is likely to be the first to suffer.

Keeping the cooling system in good condition is vital in any vehicle but with the Surf it would appear to be especially so.

Keeping genuine or in this case Toyota's recommended inhibitor in the cooling system is also a 'must do'.

If the engine was over worked or reach temperatures above normal then it would very quickly put the head gasket and cylinder head itself into the danger zone.