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What is the approximate lifespan (kms) of tyres for a Suzuki Swift 2005? What can be done to prolong their life and should tyres wear evenly all over?

Many thanks


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 27 July 2010


Tyres on this vehicle should last at least 40,000kms in my opinion, and yes, each individual tyre should wear evenly across its tread width.

What can shorten their life is when the front or rear wheel alignment is out of specification which can cause the tyres to wear unevenly or under-inflated tyre pressures.

I would think the tyre pressures for the Swift should be around the 30 pounds per square inch mark (psi) but check your owner's manual to confirm.

Checking and adjusting the wheel alignment is not a complex job, but I would still prefer a specialist or in this case a Suzuki dealer to carry out the work especially if you a specific concern or an ongoing problem.

Being a front wheel drive vehicle, the rear tyres should in theory last longer than the front.

One option to help ensure all tyres wear at the same rate is to have the wheels/tyres rotated at every service. This would simply involve moving the front to the rear and vice versa. Wheel balance may also need to be checked to ensure a steering wheel shimmy is not introduced after the rotation.

Let me know how you get on.