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In a full licence test, can you be failed for not having your hands placed correctly (say at 9-3 or 10-2 on some cars) or if you cross hands when making a maneuver?

Another question, are you able to change the position of your left mirror (using controls inside the car (and not looking at the controls)) when making a tight parallel park? Or would this constitute a fail?



Hi there,
Here is a response from a testing officer:
For the first question the answer is a no. They can fail the test if they have both hands off the wheel at anytime of the test. Also I recommend to drive with 2 hands as one hand driving will give testing officers a bad impression.

Second question, yes they are allow to adjust their mirror for the parallel park. But ideally do it when you are completely stopped before you start reversing.


When I do a parallel park in a shopping precinct I also use the reflection of the car in the shop windows as an additional aid, good luck with your driving test.