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We took our car to a garage (main dealer) with a steering problem (hard to steer) and broken windscreen as was told by an aa centre car was dangerous so couldn't Wof it when we went for one. We asked them to only do this work and to get it WOF'ed for us and service it when it was there. No other work as we knew would be expensive as car is a Bentley. They told us the brake accumulator and regulator needed replacing and that they had checked the steering rack no problems but that the steering pump needed overhauling due to leaks and that it was fixed. It wasn't so after charging us $12000, the car is now back with them after two days and they have told us it will be another $3000 to get control unit for steering fixed and solenoid replaced. And that should then fix it as it can't be anything else. We feel we have been charged for unnecessary work and don't feel we should have to pay anymore. Also that we maybe should get some cash back. They have the car and it needs to be fixed. They are waiting on our instructions what can we do? Thanks...what was really bad is it passed the Wof before they had fixed either the steering or the windscreen.....they have now had car 8 weeks in total


Hi there,
These kind of specialist jobs can be a bit tricky and you would expect a competent workshop to be able to correctly diagnose and fault before attempting a repair, and advise the customer if the exact fault/remedy are unable to be determined.
However, you would need to determine what work was unnecessary, and why the brake system required work (and how they reached this conclusion) when there didn't seem to be any problems evident to the wof inspectors and to you (who actually drives the vehicle). A 2nd opinion may be required and a dispute tribunal would be the mediator who could determine if the charges and work required was justified or excessive.