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I have a 2012 Ford Focus Titanium sedan which I purchased when it was about 18 months old. I have had it regularly serviced by the Ford dealerships up until now. Over the last week I have noticed some undesirable things happening with the transmission like the engine warning light coming on, not wanting to start when I push the start button, won't go into reverse until I let it rest for a while and inconsistent rev's when on the motorway. I took it to the local Ford dealer, and they gave it a quick check on the diagnostic machine. He noted that 2 errors showed, one to say there had been an issue with reverse selection and another to state that there may be an issue with the clutch. They have booked it in for a diagnostic check and service in two weeks but said the car should be still safe to drive.
Now, I am also fully aware that Ford Australia have had the same issues with their dual clutch transmissions and that it was so poorly handled that they were fined $10 million dollars and ordered to fix all the problems for their customers.
What I am concerned about is whether Ford in NZ will be good about it and fix my car under warranty (if the transmission is the issue) or am I going to be baffled with science and have to pay out for something which was not of my making?
Can you advise me if you know of other instances here in NZ and how they have been dealt with. Will Ford NZ be up front with it all to me or is it something the want to keep quiet about.
I would appreciate your thoughts on this as I feel that what has started to happen with my transmission is what has happened in Australia and I would like to be prepared, one way or another, before I send my car in to be looked at.


Mike Tolhoek

2014 Ford Focus GMH702.


Hi Mike,
The Powershift transmission does have some "widely-known" issues, but generally (from what we have heard) the manufacturer in NZ has been pretty good at taking care of the remedies. The CGA might give you some back-up if you need to know your rights: