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What age can a child be to sit in the front seat (in a safety approved car seat) when there are air bags fitted into the vehicle?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 17 February 2011


There is no law prohibiting carrying children in the front seat where the car is fitted with passenger airbags, but the NZ Transport Agency recommends that children should be seated in the rear of a vehicle if possible, as it is safer.

This is true regardless of the child's age, size or type of child restraint used.

In relation to airbag-equipped cars, the NZTA says:

It's important that you never put a child, in a rear-facing child restraint, in the front seat of a car that has a passenger airbag. The child could be seriously injured or killed if the airbag is activated.

The legal requirements for children travelling in passenger vehicles are:

  • Children aged under five must be secured in an approved child restraint;

  • Children aged between five and seven must use a child restraint if available. If not available, they must use a safety belt. If a safety belt is not available they must travel in the back seat;

  • Children aged between eight and 14 must use safety belts if available. If not available, they must travel in the back seat;

  • People aged over 14 must wear safety belts where they are available.

You can find more information on child restraints on the NZTA and AA websites.