Aotearoa punches above its weight. We bring home the prizes, our names are in neon around the world. Tiny businesses launched in small towns blossom into multi-million-dollar global success stories; artists, musicians, engineers, entrepreneurs, media stars and innovators are making impressions, making it work, making a difference. Making it.

For this issue’s main feature the AA Directions team talked to six impressive New Zealanders about what it takes to make it big on a global scale.


Richard Taylor Hero

Richard Taylor, founder of Wētā Workshop

Ben Whittacker-Cook talks with creative wizard, Richard Taylor.


Lucy Blakiston, creator of Sh*t You Should Care About

Jo Percival meets Lucy Blakiston, founder of a news group that has exploded on Instagram.

Joel Little Hero

Joel Little, Grammy-winning music producer

Vanessa Trethewey meets Joel Little, a man on musical mission.

Brianne West Hero

Brianne West, creator of Ethique

Kathryn Webster talks to eco-conscious entrepreneur, Brianne West.

Phillip Mills Hero

Phillip Mills, Chief Executive of Les Mills International

Jo Percival chats to Phillip Mills about creating a fitter planet.

Peter Beck Hero

Peter Beck, founder of Rocket Lab

Vanessa Trethewey talks with Peter Beck, the rock man of Māhia.

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