Electric Vehicles (Complete)

With electric vehicle production and ownership increasing in line with social and government policy incentives, this research investigated barriers to uptake in New Zealand and opportunities to make the transition easier. 


The AA Research Foundation was invited to contribute to this multi-party research project, which started in 2020 and was undertaken by Wellington firm Concept Consulting. 

The funding partners included a number of organisations working in the electricity and motoring sectors.

The research was undertaken in three stages, as outlined below, and the reports are published here and also on the Concept Consulting website.

Why is the AA interested?

The AA Research Foundation recognised the value of partnering with others in funding this New Zealand-specific research aimed at helping the transition to a cleaner vehicle fleet. 

Research reports

January 2021: Electric Vehicle Uptake Policies

This report draws on overseas experience, combined with NZ-specific modelling, to outline various policy options for incentivising EV uptake in New Zealand.

It makes recommendations on design parameters for policies covering Emissions Standards, Feebates, ICE bans, and more.

It addresses New Zealand's heavy reliance on second-hand vehicles from Japan. 

Download Report 1: Policies to incentivise EV uptake

October 2021: Electricity supply arrangements for EVs

This report focuses on at-base charging for New Zealand's growing fleet of EVs. 

It models the impact of poorly coordinated charging on electricity supply, and the potential for 'smart' charging to remove capacity pressures and provide new flexibility resources. 

Recommendations are made on tariff and market arrangements that would support the best outcomes for consumers.

Download Report 2: Consumer electricity supply arrangements

December 2021: EV charging infrastructure

This report focusses on away-from-base charging for New Zealand's growing fleet of EVs.

The study found significant benefit from continuing public funding and recommends a reshaping of public funding programmes to support both rapid densification, and targeted public-good investment. Modelling shows the costs of early charger investment are an order of magnitude lower than the cost of later investment.

The report highlights three areas for priority funding - facilities for metro service vehicles, megawatt-scale chargers for heavy trucks, and facilities for communities with limited at-home charging.

Download Report 3: Electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Research Provider

Project Manager

  • Simon Douglas – AA Research Foundation

Page last updated: May 2022

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