Five-star Ecosafe Drivers (Completed)

This research programme examined methods for improving education on safe and fuel efficient driving techniques.

The programme concluded in 2012 with a comprehensive report from OPUS that determined a range of practical ways to measure eco-safe driving.

Expert Steering Group

  • Elizabeth Yeaman - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
  • Joern Scherzer - Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
  • Iain McGlinchy - Ministry of Transport
  • Simon Gianotti - Accident Compensation Corporation
  • Cate Quinn - New Zealand Transport Authority
  • Peter King - AA Research Foundation

Research Programme

Stage One

A Literature Review by TERNZ established that a number of countries are pursuing fuel-efficient driver education programmes due to the dual benefits of safety and fuel efficiency.

An AA Member survey found that the AA Members who would benefit most from fuel efficient driving think they know most about it, but in fact do it least.

Stage Two

Opus International Consultants carried out an investigation into how eco-safe driving performance can be ascertained by gathering certain metrics (measurements). It was found that measurements such as speed, the frequency of braking events and a driver's deceleration provide practical and useful measures of eco-safe driving.

Page last updated: March 2017

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