Maintaining your ability to drive

As we get older our physical and mental abilities change. We can’t react as quickly or see as sharply and the medications we take might affect our perceptions.

In this section you'll find lots of helpful information and guidance to keep you safe and mobile. You will benefit from a better understanding of your own abilities and what you can do to reduce any risks you might be facing when driving on our congested roads.

You need good vision, hearing and motor skills to be a safe and competent driver. We have some hints and tips for you here.

Being able and alert are important for your safety when driving. Check that you are doing the right things to keep physically and mentally fit.

Reaction times slow down as we age and driving at night is challenging for all drivers. Check out some advice here to help you stay sharp and focussed

Over 80% of drivers over 75 take some form of medication. This can affect your driving abilities. Check out this section for more information on how to keep safe when driving on medications.