New Login Details for MyAA

Your new MyAA experience is here!

We have moved your previous online AA account over to the new MyAA platform, so all you need to do is set up new login details to activate your account on MyAA. All your AA Membership details will already be loaded to your account once you activate it on MyAA.


Activate your new MyAA account

To activate your new MyAA account:

  1. Go to Sign up to MyAA 
  2. Enter your email address and create a new password
  3. Click Sign Up
  4. To finish creating your account, you need to verify your email address and AA Membership number
  5. You're ready to explore your new MyAA dashboard!

Logging in

To login to your new MyAA account:

  1. Go to Login to my MyAA
  2. Enter your email address and new password
  3. Click Login
  4. To finish creating your account, you need to verify your email address and AA Membership number
  5. You're ready to explore your MyAA account and manage your Membership online!


If you're having problem activating/logging into a MyAA account:

To let us know about the problem you're experiencing, you can read the FAQs below, email us at or call Mon - Fri on 0800 500 444.

Still having trouble?



What is MyAA?


MyAA is the quick and easy way to manage your AA Membership.


MyAA lets you:

  • Manage your AA Membership
  • Update your personal details (e.g. physical address, phone number, email)
  • Access a wide range of exclusive Member discounts
  • Renew & upgrade your Membership
  • Order your replacement card

Plus lots more features and benefits


Login to MyAA or Sign up



Why can't I use my old MyAA username and password to log in to MyAA?


Since the last time you logged into your AA account, we've migrated to a new identity platform. We've upgraded our AA online account to increase security. To activate your new MyAA account, all you need to do is set up your new login credentials and connect your AA Membership number.


Please follow the steps below to activate your new MyAA account:

  1. Click here to set up your new account
  2. Enter your email address and create a new password
  3. Verify your email address and AA Membership number
  4. You are now ready to explore your new MyAA application and features!



Why did the AA update the MyAA application?


We wanted to improve the user experience for our AA Members and customers which this new interface allows us to do.

On top of improving existing MyAA features and making it more user-friendly for our AA Members and customers, we also took the opportunity to improve the infrastructure and implement industry best practice application.


Login to MyAA or Sign up



How do I finish creating my MyAA account and verify my email address?


To finish creating a MyAA account, you need to verify that you own the email address that you used to create/activate the account:

  • To confirm your email address, click or tap the link in the email you received when you created the account. Learn what to do if you can't find the email.

Verifying your email address helps us know that we're sending your AA account information to the right place.
Note: Please verify your email address as soon as possible. You may not be able to use your account until you verify your email.



What to do if I can't find the MyAA sign-up confirmation email?


When you created a MyAA account with an email address, we sent a confirmation link to that email account. If you can't find your confirmation email make sure to check your junk and spam email folder.


If you are still having a problem with verifying your email address, send us an email or call us toll free on 0800 500 444 Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm.



Why can’t I complete the MyAA registration process?


We may not have your date of birth recorded in our database or it may be recorded incorrectly, your name may have changed since joining the AA or your AA Membership may have expired. For help registering for MyAA please call us toll free on 0800 500 444 Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm or send us an email.



Why can't my partner and I use the same email address to sign up and log in to MyAA?


For security reasons each MyAA account email address must be unique. This means a shared family email address can only be used by one MyAA Member.


Login to MyAA or Sign up

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