Reducing emissions

'What should the council be doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport?'

The AA asked the four leading candidates to become Auckland's next mayor their views:

Efeso Collins hs  Efeso Collins

By introducing fares free public transport to incentivise people to switch from private motor vehicles to public transport, reduce cost barriers to use public transport. This will go a long way to supporting Council’s goal of reducing transport related emissions by 64% by 2030.

I will also continue to support the uptake of cycling and micromobility options for commuting and leisure, and will continue to support Auckland Transport’s work with schools to educate and empower children to use bicycle and public transport options more frequently.

And lastly, I will support the establishment of a network of electric car and bike charging stations around the city and will ensure council’s vehicle fleet, diesel buses and ferries are rapidly replaced with electric ones.
I also think supporting development along key transit routes, and within close proximity to town and city centres will reduce the need for a car dominated city.

Wayne Brown hs  Wayne Brown

Best move to reduce greenhouse gases and congestion is to shift all Port container traffic to rail.

Craig Lord  Craig Lord

Given the actual numbers that Auckland produces are tiny and will have very little effect on the overall scheme of the worldwide numbers, my first point is that we should stop the panic. Yes, we should progressively replace transport equipment with much greener alternatives, but the sudden rush to switch everything out is ideology over common sense. 

More views from the candidates on:

Their position on key projects

Their personal transport choices

Improving public transport

Reducing congestion

Cycle lanes

Removing car parks

The next harbour crossing