Next harbour crossing

'Should the next harbour crossing be built to provide for all modes at the same time or would you prioritise mass rapid transit and cycling and walking first?'

The AA asked the leading candidates to become Auckland's next mayor their views:

Efeso Collins hs  Efeso Collins

For me if we have the capacity and money ideally all modes. But if we need to make trade-offs and prioritise, then I would prioritise mass rapid transit as it will have the ability to move more people faster, increase the efficiency and capacity of the northern busway and help reduce Auckland's carbon footprint. I am looking forward to seeing the options on this that the Minister has asked for.

Wayne Brown hs  Wayne Brown

The next harbour crossing needs a lot more thought than the recent bicycle bridge option got. Congestion charging on the bridge will extend its life as will taking port trucks off the bridge.

Craig Lord  Craig Lord

Mass rapid transit. The ideal is a full rail network. 

More views from the candidates on:

Their position on key projects

Their personal transport choices

Improving public transport

Reducing emissions

Reducing congestion

Cycle lanes

Removing car parks